18th November 2020

Exciting news! ROMX is now available from ReActiveMicro!

We're all hoping that this is the start of a long term relationship, with ReActiveMicro stocking future ROMX products such as ROMX //e and ROMX IIc as well. We're both thankful to Henry for showing interest in the product, and this should now make the ordering process much more streamlined for those keen to purchase one.

Speaking of the ROMX //e, we've been making some progress on it:

This will plug straight into machines with dual CD, EF ROMS. For machines with a single CF ROM, you would break away the EF Adpater board. Still finalising the PCB layout, but good progress.

An Apple IIc version will follow, and will largely be based off the //e version, but without the EF adapter on the side.

The battery is for an onboard real time clock (RTC)! A suitable Text ROM will be bundled with it also. We're still working on the software side, but this should be an excellent addition to the ROMX lineup.

ROMX firmware release 1.0 draws ever closer, with another internal test release which has also been sent out to some beta testers. Once ready, Jeffs focus will move to the firmware for the ROMX //e.

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